Sunday, May 08, 2005

painful DAYS,thinking NIGHTS....

Hey freinx, tell me y ppl think themselves great when they know something special? If I don know something n wanna learn it, y ppl think themselves superior n others inferior>? After all they hav learnt from sum 1!!!! N then y can’t I learn it from “sum 1”? ll I remain their freinx only b’coz I get to know something from them? Rightly said, no1 can clap by 1 hand!!!!!!!!! So is with friendship. I hav no1 else than ma sister, mom, dad n FREINX.then y do I among such small life get hurt??? I can’t say to ne1, coz I m in such an age but don’t we teens hav heart? Don’t we hav emotions? Don’t we get hurt??? Whatever, I can’t leave my freinx n pledge dat all freinx of mine in front of me, hav been, r n ll b equal for me. But plz, don’t hurt yr freinx……….

Srry I was driven by my emotion! but think over it n analyze yrself n don feel shy even to regret in front of yr freinx coz at least for me, freinx r ma life n I ll think twice b4 I break my friend’s heart…….

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

aM I kId??

Song of Savage Garden is on……………….but I m not enjoyin it……………..i m thinking…………………

Hav I grown up or I m dat mom’s kid???? 2 day was ma 1st day of class 11 n 2 day I realized dat I hav grown n if I m not I hav 2!! I was in utter flounder as I found no1 with me in ma section A whom I know except Nilesh (did I say, “know”? haha). All were of course unknown n seemed studious. All seemed maself a kid in front of the dadas……….not only in reference of the height n age but also their knowledge!!! All ma frienx r in section C- Sag, Sounak, Subh…………. I expected to enjoy the 1st day with the new day dreamin students on D-day but the world seemed twisted for ma!! Only the comp class was good enough coz I was with Sag who was busy showin his caliber n being a laughin stock (hey Sag, just babblin!!Srry). I was amazed on the while when I twisted ma face at ma left where a St.Xariers’ student was sitting. Would u beleiv it- the had gray hairs at the mere age of perhaps 17-18. haha. How much hrs did he study durin class 10 boards? God knows! He did not even talk to any 1 whole day- really frightening!!!! I had to pay attention of the very 1st day (which I generally do only on the last days of the academic yr!!!!!!!!!!)

Can I tackle these DADAS with beard n moustache …………………..God knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 04, 2005

First Experience

I will not say dat it was a traumatic experience but surely an exquisite 1!! As I reached the portals of the DAV model school, my exam center, all the recipe of the cauldron of social studies was boiling in my head. I should regret I was tensed up. When there is 10 phone calls in the morning of the exam date, mother there with her radio on n a huge portion to learn, u can’t escape from it. I projected my harassed n fidgety self. The hall was great but the environment was horrifying. I began my exam well, as I had expected. I was cramped at some times but ultimately I wrote sumthin at the last by guessin. All was going on well till at the end, when map work came. I just made hell of guessin coz 15 min was left. I even left 3 marks for my recklessness!! The most disgustin of all was the invigilators repeatedly babbling the rules. I could understand the significance of my signature 2day!!! Haha. I signed about 3-4 times in 3 hrs of stipulated time. Great!! Whatever, I expect 80-85% n with god’s grace, I hope to get a good examiner for my paper, which believe me, frienx, is indispensable!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Hi frienx, today I hav written a poem. It s neither an ode nor a lyric but an emotional outburst. Piz send yr reply or u may mail me at So here is it-


Skies tell to me
R u in right path??
The sun says to me
Y r u in darkness??
The stars say to me
Don b so far!!
The clouds say to me
Drain yr heavy rain!!
The moon says to me
Y u fear when yr mind s as beautiful as me??

What will I answer??
I dunno!!
I wanna open up like sky,
Shine as sun,
Twinkle as star,
Rain as clouds,
Glow as moon, n
Glow like moon.

Hey almighty, u listenin me??
All say, u make us
So y can’t I b the best??
I find myself in a rendezvous
Where I can find path but no light,
N back,
I can find light but no path,
The barren desert here,
But how can I go back???

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I threw the key

It was today when I realized wat a gaffe I had done. Hey, it wasn’t a surely a gaffe! Yesterday, after all the philippics of my parents about net, I was imbued in anger at the key with whose locks my comp is always locked by my parents when they r out. Couldn’t get it? Actually, my parents lock the wire of my comp when they r out. But luckily, I had got the duplicate key of the lock. I did net till 5-10 days when my mom n dad wre out. Hey, nothing bad.k? I just chat with my frienx. But yesterday, I was bored up chatin with those jenny n jezebels in room n also guilty for cheatin my parents. In utter flounder, I threw the key away. But today, I suffered the pangs of anxiety. I went out to search for the key really early for me at 8 am as soon as my parents went to their work. But wat is thrown is thrown. In low ebb, I came bak n searched for the original key in home optimistically. There 2 I had no fate (surely, my mom had taken it). Ultimately, I sat down to read but my mind just repudiated n I got up n switched on my borin TV.

O god, u ll surely say dat I’ve done a great thin but cum to my place n then u can realize wat heavenly sacrifice I
have done!!!
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