Sunday, May 08, 2005

painful DAYS,thinking NIGHTS....

Hey freinx, tell me y ppl think themselves great when they know something special? If I don know something n wanna learn it, y ppl think themselves superior n others inferior>? After all they hav learnt from sum 1!!!! N then y can’t I learn it from “sum 1”? ll I remain their freinx only b’coz I get to know something from them? Rightly said, no1 can clap by 1 hand!!!!!!!!! So is with friendship. I hav no1 else than ma sister, mom, dad n FREINX.then y do I among such small life get hurt??? I can’t say to ne1, coz I m in such an age but don’t we teens hav heart? Don’t we hav emotions? Don’t we get hurt??? Whatever, I can’t leave my freinx n pledge dat all freinx of mine in front of me, hav been, r n ll b equal for me. But plz, don’t hurt yr freinx……….

Srry I was driven by my emotion! but think over it n analyze yrself n don feel shy even to regret in front of yr freinx coz at least for me, freinx r ma life n I ll think twice b4 I break my friend’s heart…….

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