Tuesday, September 29, 2009

why is moon sobing?

it was a news as wierd as snails jumping, as winnin of indian cricket team, as salman khan gettin married or pehaps as studies in hostel....ok dats enuf nw i guess!!hehe...wat i was talkin abt is the trace of water dat our very own ISRO's Chandrayaan got durin its lunar expedition. jus few des aftr all India held a candle mourning the early demise of the first indian lunar mission and questioning the reasons behind it, India became the first nation even b4 NASA to prove a possibility of human existance on moon. it sounds gr8 doesn it? but hav v eva imagined y it has bcum so indespensable to divorce our own planet to take respite at sm oder land? it sounds all so obsolete talking about helping Earth live, bt can v jus let it be? vilify her, trivialize her, run her down, bt Mother Earth is perhaps yelling foul at us. if moon had life, she wud hav surely had tears trikling down her cheeks swearing her bad luk. couldnt dese jerks noe abt it some years later? dese humans can gab about how beautiful i am onle bcuz m so far away. fr dese nerds, its " wateva!!" deir romance can twist n turn about bringin some oder planet down to deir land jus fr da fake sake of deir ummmua-girl but cant i be left alone? "chand mein daag" wudn b a distant imagination in a few decades. believe me, it wud not b nething near to that!!!

so wat can v do? nothin if u say, everything if u say. being righteous s wat ppl say a herculean task bt nothing comes widout a cost. if ders ne reason fr our existance on this planet, its this!!! and talkin abt consequences, neways u jus hav 2 options- dying here on earth or dying there on moon. can v jus show da nexgen how beautiful our Earth is?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

hOsTel lYf...

it's fun to shut away the wise-say about relations & noble words lik "Motivation", "Learning" n "Personality" dat da OB mam babbles along in her self-authoritive symphony. nebdy who tries to endorse wat she says abt her lessons of lyf(or,wateva it is!) is tagged shruggingly as a "loner"! i still rem'ber us talkin crap abt Motivation in organisations n arguing wat s hypocritically believed. in the end of the story, v totally manipulated the very meaning of it.

and it is onle an instance of the entire theory. given da oppurtunity, i wud neva whisk away a chance to call relations fake n all its rudiments a mere falacy. hav v lost the touch? da very feeling of caring fr sm1, trusting sm1, loving sm1...one page of "Alchemist" states dat if a real alchemist is cornered by sm dacoits n asked to giv away all he has, and da alchemist shows a stone n a bottle of blue liquid calling it the "The Phillosopher's Stone" n "The Elixir of Life", the dacoits laughed it away n let him go thinkin him to b as pathetic as them. A genuine help is scrutinised as to wat its "different angle" may b. suddenly, austerity seems fake.

Hostel lyf s all 2 casual n frivolous to consider da heavy ideologies of lyf. it nullifies all da shit u learnt since u wre a kiddo in skul and teaches new principles wich r 2 complicated to think abt. u learn da true meanin of frenship n i heard dis tag frm a very noble person[excuse me?]..." it's U versus every1 else!" crackin jokes n playin pranks in hostel s jus abt everyde business. its nothing heartfelt stuff, bt a wierd urge to rack our brains into illogical imaginations. reality s miles away, bt really, who cares? alls fine, until it can fuck time away, trying to brush away da nothingness of a hostel lyf. it's da transformed personality fr dat very moment. the trick in da tale s dat hw u cn manage dese multiple personalities.then, one de u decide dat u gotta change,lik a drastic step....turn ova a new leaf from dis de n dat all dat happened was an good-bad past. wat amazes me s how fast dis cycle repeats itself!!!

wat say abt our desi lingo...simple language s passe^ n the more complicated jargon,da bettr! Swearin snt hideous smtimes. fr yr trivia jus chek out- "mandu">a gal bcums "mandu" fr her looks n aura even b4 da guy talks to her. had de been all fr real, it wud hav been easily the breedin ground fr Ekta Kapoor's soaps. n anoder s "nungu"> a guy talks to a gal fr a gud 15 mins in isolation n "nungu" s a word dat he can't even find in a dictionery!

neways m hm n it feels different. earlier it was home where i felt curbed n hostel a free lyf bt nw...i feel jus da opposite. dunno y...
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