Sunday, July 06, 2008

n now...a 4 yrs of life!!!!

Sounds terrible but m kinda glad to say dat m goin to Orissa fr atleast the next 4 yrs!!!

yeah,well its nt gr8 but m nt frettin either...missed iit wid a whisker bt neways gettin a mere rank s nt wat i was fightin fr wen u cant get a admssn wid it!!!!n aieee was a nightmare.yeah it sounds terrible after a yr of prepn but smthings u cant help!!! u dn always get yr true worth so soon i guess.was a wee bit fidgety abt da results jus after i got dem. it sounds so identically sik bt i had given all i had dis yr. takin responsibility lik neva b4, goin fr tuitions in dose chillin n sweatin dusks to dawns, bein lonely as eva as well as livin wid sm sik ppl around n burnin sm late night "batteries" sn as eezie as it looks fr a dumb lazy mindfreak kid lik me....jus did everthin i cud but ya, i missed it in a significant step....PRACTISE PRACTISE n PRACTISE....all i did ws to get ova da physics phobia,masterin ma muggin skills in chem n no doubt takin ma maths to noder level. di told me ova n ova again. i really didn dump it in a go but again, didn follow it thru n more pprs of aieee cud hav dn wonders....well y didn i get thru iit den huh?dunno but sm quesns ll remain unanswered i guess....

talkin abt practise i really did dat fr isi n in a much wider xtent didn pay off in isi tho as i found maself nt among perhaps da 70 odd best mathematicians of da country yet i cn say it went damn better dan i xpected out of me...solvin 25 out of 30 tough objectives[mayb 4-5 may hav gn wrong bt nt more] n 5 horrifyin subjectives[ws a odd feelin writin in sheets wen u dn hav a practise of doin dat even fr more dan 30 mins at a stretch...reminded me of boards n many things alongwid!!!!]n while givin ojee di was already here n it did all da difference.she made me practise n by da tym i was at bhubaneswar fr givin da xam i was almost fully versed wid da ojee xplorer of mtg.n luckily it paid off..a 173 gen rank n military qota rank of 7....

now wid dis rank i cn get a GEC[gov engrn coll] cet, perhaps da best coll of da state.well dis may sound controversial wen we compare kiits n cet bt i guess m rite....bring into monetary aspect of it n u jus cant defy me...ha ha!!!!all i cn say s dat dis s da best coll ne1 cn get frm ojee. frm wat i hav heard it s nt dat bad...da electronics dept has many,iit kgp faculty n cs was always ma preference.lets c if i dn get electronics i ll take up cs oderwise electrical.n no doubt dis s nt da end of da road.i hav decided to giv ma best fr da cats n rats xams[i mean iim n oders] cuz a degree of cet s nt a gr8 career in ne sense...jus dn want to do a usual 3.somethin annual job in bangalore!!!!hope it turns out to b gud n b ma background fr sm iim in yrs to come!!!!

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