Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wake up...

Free from the cobwebs of melancholic life

Dreaming my days in prairie and nights in prom,
I woke up rejuvinated one fine morning
Feeling how big and beautiful life is.
It was then that i realized,
My hands had shot up as if a nemesis
And it's time to leave my dishevelled bed!

Shadows drown our empty hearts
As love is fading in the darkest corners.
All that we are, we aren't saying
And, all the things we care ends in 'me'.
Humming the old tunes of misery and hapless genre,
We seek solace and sympathy.
Tearing our clothes apart and honking on the roof
We condemn Past and justify Redemption.
What about NOW?
What about this very moment of truth?
Is there nothing you can do,
To change?
To craft destiny?
To damn the wisdom in you and do the new?
To love?
Just for once, now....

Come again, did you tell me the story?
The story of the unknown, the ideal, the impossible?
Can't we live our stories right here today?
See, the rains pour over your souls,
As you are washed away of your deepest secrets,
And your're drenched in the wettest of ascetism.
So, just clutch those fingers
And let go of all your egoism
For the joyride of Resuscitation, Realization and Rejuvination.
Just go and paint the towns in your colours!

So wake me up when spring comes...
When the heart is back in place,
When logic is drowned in the rivulet of emotions,
When everything we do is not for a reason,
When it wouldn't take a trumpet
To stir us from our places,
And when all this doesn't seem an obnoxious nonsense!


  1. Rituraj9:41 PM

    Awesomely Crafted beads of words putting forth a scintillating experience..! Awesome Work Dude..! Majestic

  2. thanx dude...feels gr8 to hear such words!!


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