Friday, March 02, 2007

Look.. if you had.. one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted.. in one moment
Would you capture it.. or just let it slip? Yo..

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
to drops bombs, but he keeps on forgetting
what he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth but the words won't come out
He's chokin, how? Everybody's jokin now
The clock's run out, time's up, over - BLAOW!
Snap back to reality, OHH - there goes gravity
OHH - there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't
Give up that easy nope, he won't have it
He knows, his whole back's to these ropes
It don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, but he's broke
He's so sad that he knows
when he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's
back to the lab again, yo, this whole rap shit
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him

You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go (go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go (go)
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime
You better..

hey how s dis for 2de? no fakin it,dis s obviously not mine.dis s a rap of read it again bro...n feel it.u ll surely find me in dere.

"keep smilin"...dats wat da "halo" of chinmaya portals said...n dats wat i m doin.bring me dat.lets hav some cheers n lemme forget dis shit.

how kooooool i was n a bit proud frm within...but dat just b4 da damnshit phy xam.n c me now...perhaps god's grace n somethin more than dat can gimme 80.da most frusto part of all was wen i saw da smile on all faces.i was feelin as if some1 was laughin at ma face n sayin,"c...c yr ppr.dats yr fate baibey." thinkin....thinkin....thinkin(push)"hey soman kaisa gayaa.iiiiitnaaaaa eeeezieeeeee padhke aye the wohi laaky i am naa!tera kaisa gaya?""fuk off man.just freak out of here."dad had not acted sOmAn for a while.

dad came n we wre off...lolz,wat else?

yes dere s....not selected for NUJS.damn how cud i get 131?not just possible.135 cutoff....but y am i writin dis in ma blog.c me all, a suker loser here!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

valentine's day........or is it?

hey u ppl out dere, how many of u hav made a friend yr lov.....coz dis s not wat i m gonna ask next.

hav u ever made yr lov a friend on dis very day? seems funny. snt it? but mind u,i m not kiddin out here.well....I HAV!!!!!!!!

yeah, i hav her a gift but it was nothin but a"don forget me" stuff n nothin else.n how s a bracelet n a card for dat? u thinkin i m crying, i m shattered, i m in a world of solace n sorrow? naa...hehe. coz for me,destiny rulez n ll rule fact,dere hav never been nething called "love" between us.2de wat happened was ma love being taken in a palenquin to be given to da hands of destiny. n i? damn did da hmm.....wats dat bloddy stuff called....yeah,kanyadaan.....

hey amnt i gettin damn philosophical out here?bullshit....but da lesson for da day- dis day s not onle for lovers. neways,enjoy da day wid yr OWN ones n b4 i forget,
      HAPPY VALENTINE'S(hey it not VALENTINES'...get it?) DAY

Saturday, February 10, 2007

destiny rulez...

believ me guyz,dere is nothin u can do.dere s nothin u can help in da spoilin times.dere s nothin u can do to recover a relationship.nothin s in yr let it happen...let destiny rule....

well,me?i hav ofcourse left everything to life,ma career,ma passion n ofcourse ma love. boards r not knockin on da door,rather it has entered ma room n s seein me drollin on n career?as i hav said b4 i m still not sure dat i hav been destined to b engineer or some1 passion?hmm...wat s ma passion?well..destiny changes it time n for now,dere s nothin.but don wrry,destiny ll surely gimme 1 love....hey forget it.dere s just friendship n nothin else....n believin in destiny s fun,its rejuvination,its a way to c a new world everytime u open up yr eyes.

so frienx,sit in destiny's lap n let it take u to da neother world all together.understand destiny n believ me,da elixir s yrs....


Monday, February 05, 2007

say,"beeest offf laaaak"

yeah,ma board xam has started n i m here njoyin da same legato life...hey i know dats nothin to b proud of but den...dats me

no need to wrry,ma prepn s already don n i know dat it cant b bad.da only thing i fear s da viva coz i cant ans quesn lik"who invented C++?","wat s sachin's latest LG ratin?"," think yr program s rite,dear?"....n stuffs lik dat.

naa,comp s ma interest n no fakin it,i lov da subject.but it all depends on da day....well,i ll surely look out for dose shalik couples n cats not crossin ma route....blah blah

hey,so say"beeest offf laaaak"!!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

sOmAn s out

yeah...i am day-dreamin of everything dat i can do in NUJS....

goddamn i don wanna fry ma mind in dis couldron of physics n chemistry.i sometimes feel dat i hav been born to study law n not all dis shit.god,just gimme a chance.i wanna do wat i like n not wat i m forced to.

i m gettin crazy...thinkin of raggin in NUJS,makin freinx out dere,eatin n enjoyin dere,studyin all alone in ma room where dere s no 1 to disturb n taunt dat i never study, n wat not....i m bcumin mundane in studyin physics n stuffs though i know dat i hardly hav a month b4 da board xams.but i cant let ma heart lose coz i know dat it may leav in a rendezvous where movin neside means DEATH!!!!!!

n den dere s mom's demand to study 20 hrs a day which i can i explain her dat.but den neways i hav to listen n do as she likes-keep maself bolted to ma room doin nothin but fukin ma time out .n hey,i do study sometimes.hehe.........



Wednesday, January 31, 2007

so much to lose.....

hmm...i m nostalgic but as it goes-GUYZ DONT CRY....isnt it?

hey damn cry? naa...but yeah,i felt bad 2de wen i had da last laugh wid some of ma frienx(or,are de) but u know doesn matter wat u feel abt me but u just cant stop me...get it?

we here at PAS had our farewell 2de.surely,i ll miss ma school more than ne1 but a thing to think s dat life doesn stop.wen we lose something ,we gain something.wen we part frm some1,we meet some1 where s da point lamentin on wat we lost n whom we r partin frm.....

but 1 thing s for sure-i ll never get bak those des which i enjoyed in PAS. it s da place which has taught me dat i m DIFFERENT...dat i am not like ne1 in da has given me dat confidence wid which i can b proud sayin i m a pentecostalite.

well...i hav lost many things...first ma mom's womb,then da nappy pads(hehe!!),then playin in mom's lap,then slates to write on,then Bhilai(ma birthplace),sleepin wid mom n dad,then st.joseph's n Vishakapatnam(AP),then ma sis(she went to hostel),ma innocense,then Durgapur alongwid frienx n HSMS,then da studin passion(n passin 2 sometimes), then da dad-son childish love,ma love(hey dere s a gr8 dilemma here) n now PAS....hmm,havnt thought dat i hav lost so many things,huh?

neways,i hav learnt to live wid all dis....n wat it helps me wid s dat it teaches to gain in every single thing i lose.


Tuesday, January 30, 2007

ma NUJS xams

Experience s truely a enigmatic teacher who takes da tests 1st n then teaches...

dis n many other things i hav learned in da past 2 desin kolkata.yeah,i was dere for da NUJS xams n hmm....1st of all,lemme tell u dat i m in wid a chance n NOTHIN ELSE.

students wre floodin in dere frm nowere n i was left baffled.well...i was surely in mirk.i ll not fake it,dere were some damn sexy grls(bengali grls r no doubt sexy,i knew dat b4) out dere but u know wat,dere s just 1 thing i can giv to ma lov(even if she doesn wanna) n dats TRUST....

hey forget it. dese chaff ll take me nowere n i know dis.well...dere s 1 thing i wud like to mention, frienx.

standin in front of me was a pretty grl.perhaps she tried to browbeat me alongwid her mommy.hmm...god gimme a chance to meet dat grl again.i wanna giv her a kiss n say,"thanx honey."hehe....

so talkin abt da xam,i hav already found 25-30 mistakes out of 180 quesns.well,ma elder cousin sis studyin dere said dat ne marks betn 120-150 ll b enough.but neways it was fun n all i hope s dat dis fun helps me land up somewere in life(hehe...which s not in ma genes neways)


Saturday, January 20, 2007

where s dat passion of bloggin gone?

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