Monday, February 05, 2007

say,"beeest offf laaaak"

yeah,ma board xam has started n i m here njoyin da same legato life...hey i know dats nothin to b proud of but den...dats me

no need to wrry,ma prepn s already don n i know dat it cant b bad.da only thing i fear s da viva coz i cant ans quesn lik"who invented C++?","wat s sachin's latest LG ratin?"," think yr program s rite,dear?"....n stuffs lik dat.

naa,comp s ma interest n no fakin it,i lov da subject.but it all depends on da day....well,i ll surely look out for dose shalik couples n cats not crossin ma route....blah blah

hey,so say"beeest offf laaaak"!!!!

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