Thursday, February 01, 2007

sOmAn s out

yeah...i am day-dreamin of everything dat i can do in NUJS....

goddamn i don wanna fry ma mind in dis couldron of physics n chemistry.i sometimes feel dat i hav been born to study law n not all dis shit.god,just gimme a chance.i wanna do wat i like n not wat i m forced to.

i m gettin crazy...thinkin of raggin in NUJS,makin freinx out dere,eatin n enjoyin dere,studyin all alone in ma room where dere s no 1 to disturb n taunt dat i never study, n wat not....i m bcumin mundane in studyin physics n stuffs though i know dat i hardly hav a month b4 da board xams.but i cant let ma heart lose coz i know dat it may leav in a rendezvous where movin neside means DEATH!!!!!!

n den dere s mom's demand to study 20 hrs a day which i can i explain her dat.but den neways i hav to listen n do as she likes-keep maself bolted to ma room doin nothin but fukin ma time out .n hey,i do study sometimes.hehe.........



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