Wednesday, February 14, 2007

valentine's day........or is it?

hey u ppl out dere, how many of u hav made a friend yr lov.....coz dis s not wat i m gonna ask next.

hav u ever made yr lov a friend on dis very day? seems funny. snt it? but mind u,i m not kiddin out here.well....I HAV!!!!!!!!

yeah, i hav her a gift but it was nothin but a"don forget me" stuff n nothin else.n how s a bracelet n a card for dat? u thinkin i m crying, i m shattered, i m in a world of solace n sorrow? naa...hehe. coz for me,destiny rulez n ll rule fact,dere hav never been nething called "love" between us.2de wat happened was ma love being taken in a palenquin to be given to da hands of destiny. n i? damn did da hmm.....wats dat bloddy stuff called....yeah,kanyadaan.....

hey amnt i gettin damn philosophical out here?bullshit....but da lesson for da day- dis day s not onle for lovers. neways,enjoy da day wid yr OWN ones n b4 i forget,
      HAPPY VALENTINE'S(hey it not VALENTINES'...get it?) DAY

Saturday, February 10, 2007

destiny rulez...

believ me guyz,dere is nothin u can do.dere s nothin u can help in da spoilin times.dere s nothin u can do to recover a relationship.nothin s in yr let it happen...let destiny rule....

well,me?i hav ofcourse left everything to life,ma career,ma passion n ofcourse ma love. boards r not knockin on da door,rather it has entered ma room n s seein me drollin on n career?as i hav said b4 i m still not sure dat i hav been destined to b engineer or some1 passion?hmm...wat s ma passion?well..destiny changes it time n for now,dere s nothin.but don wrry,destiny ll surely gimme 1 love....hey forget it.dere s just friendship n nothin else....n believin in destiny s fun,its rejuvination,its a way to c a new world everytime u open up yr eyes.

so frienx,sit in destiny's lap n let it take u to da neother world all together.understand destiny n believ me,da elixir s yrs....


Monday, February 05, 2007

say,"beeest offf laaaak"

yeah,ma board xam has started n i m here njoyin da same legato life...hey i know dats nothin to b proud of but den...dats me

no need to wrry,ma prepn s already don n i know dat it cant b bad.da only thing i fear s da viva coz i cant ans quesn lik"who invented C++?","wat s sachin's latest LG ratin?"," think yr program s rite,dear?"....n stuffs lik dat.

naa,comp s ma interest n no fakin it,i lov da subject.but it all depends on da day....well,i ll surely look out for dose shalik couples n cats not crossin ma route....blah blah

hey,so say"beeest offf laaaak"!!!!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

sOmAn s out

yeah...i am day-dreamin of everything dat i can do in NUJS....

goddamn i don wanna fry ma mind in dis couldron of physics n chemistry.i sometimes feel dat i hav been born to study law n not all dis shit.god,just gimme a chance.i wanna do wat i like n not wat i m forced to.

i m gettin crazy...thinkin of raggin in NUJS,makin freinx out dere,eatin n enjoyin dere,studyin all alone in ma room where dere s no 1 to disturb n taunt dat i never study, n wat not....i m bcumin mundane in studyin physics n stuffs though i know dat i hardly hav a month b4 da board xams.but i cant let ma heart lose coz i know dat it may leav in a rendezvous where movin neside means DEATH!!!!!!

n den dere s mom's demand to study 20 hrs a day which i can i explain her dat.but den neways i hav to listen n do as she likes-keep maself bolted to ma room doin nothin but fukin ma time out .n hey,i do study sometimes.hehe.........


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